Networking tools developed by Antenna
Sind its start Antenna had implemented various networking tools for a wide range of International organizations:
In 1986 the first on-line databases based on NIGEL were hosted by Antenna in London over X.25 for Interdoc members.
In 1991 Antenna was invited by WWF International for an extranet using X.25 access and NIGEL. It was built in 1992 enabling WWF users worldwide via local access to monitor WWF news and APC conferences. So Usenet news was made accessible over X.25 and images were displayed while viewing messages. In 1992 at CERN in near distance of WWF HQ in Nyons the first WWW-server was installed. A small world it was indeed….
In 1992 the same platform developed by Antenna was used for UNCED participants in preparation to and during Rio’s Earth Summit. We managed to link NIGEL over TCP/IP to the Internet by running the Source code on a SUN which was directly linked to the Internet at OOC (University of Amsterdam). All documentation presented by NGOs at the Earth Summit could be accessed on-line and full text queried via the NIGEL search engine.
- From 1999 onwards we developed COBRA as Content Management System for on-line database, websites, discussions, extra- and intranets.
- In 2002 UNDP asked Antenna to host an extranet to prepare UNDPs Conference for 800 participants using both E-mail as Web interfaces. Participants is countries without Internet access still could participate in on-line discussions. Some moderators linked via E-mail were moderating various web based conference discussions. There is a page explaining all conferencing options with COBRA Read more
- In 2002 CIDSE a network of Catholic Aid and Relief Agencies used COBRA as their extranet. Some screenshots are on-line Read more
- In the years thereafter up to 2007 Antenna installed almost two hundred websites using COBRA Read more
- A range of COBRA projects included Extranet facilities like for Euforic, Agriprofocus, Cordaid, Enzovoort, RMB etc.
- A small technical history of COBRA is parked on the Internet Read more
- Some screenshots explain the wide range of users, functionalities and applications Read more
- COBRA is still being used by the membership sections of VLLT, KNNV and 28 NGOs of the informal education network of Dutch People’s Universities.
- The educational projects built with LINE (Learning in Networked Environments) and the NGO Database will be maintained using COBRA.
- Since 2012 many COBRA websites were migrated to Drupal like Schools Cool, Leefmilieu, National Parks and IVN or switched to WordPress.
- The first range of extranet’s based on Drupal were installed via Open Atrium the networking tool developed by Development Seed for the Worldbank.
- For Solidaridad, KNNV and various People’s Universities Open Atrium was installed as intranet platform.
- In 2012 it became clear Open Atrium was no longer viable due to various reasons. Hence we used another Drupal Install to facilitate networking platforms.
- With Drupal Commons we build the E-portal for KNCV (900 users) and the Catalyst Extranet for Solidaridad (300 users) based on Drupal Commons.
- In 2012 we were invited by our client the European Cultural Foundation to assist in the development of ECFlabs also based on Drupal Commons.
- In 2013 we initiated the Antenna Networkspace based on Drupal Commons, initially for the Antenna Technologies Network.